All My Sons Moving & Storage
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A Moving Guide for Kids

All My Sons Moving & Storage in Ohio

A new move to Cincinnati is a place for you to grow and build new memories, but children are left in the dark about where they get to live. Younger children can't even vocalize certain emotions! Our Cincinnati auto movers have created a moving guide for kids, so this transition can go as seamlessly as possible.

Deciding to Move

Understand the fact that kids don't like change and are often set in routine. Changing this can up can bring unwanted emotions to your young children, so once you get that move-in date, start preparing.

Avoid the mistake of not telling your children about the move to Cincinnati. As soon as you think that this could be a real possibility, break the news to your children in a soft and delicate manner. Do not wait till last minute to them they are moving. Not only is this a bad idea, but it can cause your children to resent this new change. Involve your children with every part of the moving experience. You can talk to our Ohio moving company on how the kids can help with the packing process.

Make It an Adventure

Kids love a chance to explore their creativity! Turn this moving experience into a game, like a pirate's map. You can start by downloading a simple treasure map online and give this to your child. “X marks the spot” would be in Cincinnati (your new house). Tell your kids that's where the treasures are. Once you get to the end, have a little treasure chest filled with fake coins and candy in their new bedroom! Make it fun for them.

Let Them Decorate

Once you have arrived and our Ohio moving company has left, take your children to the local store. We advise you to let your children pick out their own bedding, but set up the room like how it was in the previous location before you began your move to Cincinnati. Label each room in the house so they get familiar with the new layout. If you can paint, get your children involved, let them get dirty, have them pick out their own colors to make it a fun experience. You want your children to feel like this place is theirs, and that they are “home.”

Look for Local Activities

As soon as you arrive, sign your kids up at local clubs or sports in the area. Not only is this a good way for your kids to make new friends, but it gives you time to focus on the larger aspects, such as finalizing the finishing parts in your new home. This is also a chance for you to meet other adults in the area. Ask our Cincinnati auto movers about local clubs in the area, and if they have children, ask what they do for after school activities or hobbies.

Moving is a life altering experience, it can be sad and great at the same time. Create a memory book of your old house and save pages for your new home. Throw a goodbye party for your kids, so they can have the chance to say goodbye without it being so somber. At All My Sons, we want to welcome you home in Cincinnati. We hope you've like our moving guide for kids! Contact us today so we can help you in this new beginning.