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Let's Talk About YOUR MOVE...
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The Importance of Planning Your Move BEFORE You Start Packing

Moving is listed as one of the most stressful things we can do in our lives! What's crazy is how often we willingly do it. As with anything that's considered stressful, having a plan is the best way to ensure you don't forget anything and so everything goes well. That's why we stress the importance of planning your move.

Why You Should Consider Planning Your Move in Advance

Moving can be complicated, unless you are a Portland mover that does it every day. Planning your move in advance lets you plan for the unexpected. In the moving industry, we like to think that moving problems are not a matter of IF, but rather a matter of WHEN.

That's why we think it's always better to plan your move with enough time to make sure that WHEN the emergency happens, you have plenty of time to deal with them and you aren't running around frantically trying to fix things.

When to Start Planning

You start planning your move the moment you know about it. For the most part, you can start planning your move around eight weeks before your move date. Any time before that and you won't be able to get much done.

There are lots of really great free moving checklists that will break down your move on a week to week and eventually a day to day basis.

Priorities - What to Plan First

The first thing you should create is a moving timeline and then a moving checklist.

Plan your time out accordingly and be realistic. Don't leave everything to the last minute because you're only human, and you will probably forget something. Give the future version of yourself a little courtesy and plan for yourself now!

You can add to your checklist as you go, changing the order of importance and ensuring that you know exactly what's next and what's been completed.

The first thing we recommend is a deep dive and donate. Take everything you don't need or want and donate it, give notice, then pack then transition all your important information to your new address!

Quick Tips to Plan Your Move Effectively

Now that you know you should start planning your move at least eight weeks in advance, lets list a few tips that will allow you to move more efficiently.

Keep a notebook with a checklist with you at all times, use this to track your progress and as a rough template of your moving timeline.

Plan to move the way you want to move. Some people prefer focusing on packing one room at a time, while others like to do a little packing every night. Some people like to leave all the packing for one single weekend before the move. However you decide to move, plan your move the way you like it and always be sure to LEAVE ENOUGH TIME TO PACK.
