All My Sons Moving & Storage
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How to Protect Yourself Against COVID-19

The coronavirus has been a reality in the United States for more than two months at this point, but scientists are still learning more about it and how to keep us safe from it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are continuing to study the effects of the coronavirus and how it spreads. The CDC has said that it is possible for someone to have the coronavirus and not show any symptoms1, which can be concerning to many. They have also discovered that those who do show symptoms eventually can transmit COVID-19 to people prior to any symptoms appearing. Luckily, there are several ways to stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Our Memphis movers share how to protect yourself from the coronavirus.

Why Do You Need to Wear Cloth Face Coverings?

The CDC has instructed everyone to wear facemasks as a way to protect yourself from coronavirus. Wearing a cloth face covering helps keep droplets from your coughs and sneezes to yourself (though you should still practice the proper hygiene techniques like covering your mouth) and vice versa. The more people wear cloth face coverings, the less likely the coronavirus will continue spreading.

A cloth face covering can be made from any household item or low-cost materials found online or at the store. Instead of hunting for N95 respirator or surgical mask, use old t-shirts or fashion your own cloth masks from other materials, including paper towels and coffee filters for extra protection. Using cloth face coverings is also a great way to aid the healthcare workers and frontline responders who are experiencing a personal protective equipment (PPE) shortage.

How Can I Protect Myself from Coronavirus?

If you are wondering how to protect yourself from coronavirus in other ways than just wearing a mask, our professional Memphis residential movers share a few other tips to help you stay safe and healthy.

Understand how the virus spreadsSince there is no vaccine for COVID-19 yet, it is important to understand its nature to protect yourself from coronavirus.

Wash your hands oftenWashing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more - especially after coughing, sneezing, or when you're out in public - is another great way to protect yourself from the coronavirus. If you are going to use hand sanitizer in between washes, make sure that it's 60% alcohol or higher.

Avoid close contact with other peopleMake sure to follow the social distancing rules, staying 6-feet or more apart, even if the person you are around doesn't seem not sick. Remember that some people are asymptomatic and can pass on the coronavirus without knowing. Avoid gathering in groups or going to crowded places.

Clean and disinfect everythingMaking sure that you clean and disinfect your home, car, clothing, and any other surfaces you come in contact with is also a great way to protect yourself from the coronavirus.

Your safety and your family's safety is high priority during these times. Our Memphis local movers want to not only share how to protect yourself from coronavirus, but also help you move safely. Contact us today for your free virtual estimate.

Here at All My Sons Moving & Storage, we thank our clients for trusting us with their relocation. Given the increased attention of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we want to assure all clients that their safety and our employees' safety are a top priority. While we're experts in moving, we want our clients to know that we're actively implementing the health and safety guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure we take the proper precautions.

We've instructed our employees that experience symptoms, defined by the CDC, to not report to work and instead contact their doctors. We ask that if you or any of your family members have experienced COVID-19 symptoms, please let us know immediately so we can take the proper additional precautions.

As a company, we believe in serving our community and supporting each other, especially during difficult times. We believe in the power of us, all of us!


1. CDC - Asymptomatic and Human-to-Human Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a 2-Family Cluster, Xuzhou, China