All My Sons Moving & Storage
Professional movers from All My Sons Moving and Storage prepare to transport a delicate painting.

How to Pack Fragile Items Like the Professionals

Fragile Items Need Extra Care

Calling all collectors, art lovers, and people who own wine glasses. Are you about to make a move? That set of ceramic plates undoubtedly brings you joy, and you would hate to see one chipped or shattered. Packing fragile, breakable items is one of the hardest parts of moving, but with some special care and attention to detail you can make sure your more delicate belongings arrive at your new home in good condition.

All My Sons Moving & Storage has been in the business of helping companies and families make a seamless relocation for close to 30 years, and our pro-packers know all the best ways to wrap items so that they stay safe for the journey. Our team wants to empower movers with the tips and tricks that will make their move easier, and one sure-fire way to a stress-free move is by packing your items well.

Ready the bubble wrap and the packing paper, it’s time to get your fragile items packed like the professionals.

Rules for Packing Fragile Items

Different items may require specialized packing treatment, but there are some universal rules about packing fragile items you should always aim to follow.

Rule 1: Use the Best Box for the Job

The ideal box for your fragile item is one that leaves as little extra space as possible. Empty space in your box means the contents can shift during transit, which might cause wear, tear, or breakage of the item inside. Items that are snug inside their designated boxes are more secure than items in too-large boxes, even if they are packed with lots of bubble wrap.

When possible, use a specialty box for items like electronics, appliances, and picture frames. If you have the original box and packing material for things like your TV or coffee maker, then it would be best to pack the item back into that original box.

If you are packing very small fragile items like ornaments or figurines, you might consider packing them into a smaller box before putting them in one of your moving boxes.

Rule 2: Wrap and Pad with Packing Material

Once you have selected the best box and securely taped the bottom together, you should line the base of the box with packing material. This helps cushion your items in the event of a jostle or bump. 

You can use your own soft items like towels, hot pads, or linens to pad your boxes, or use a layer of bubble wrap. To keep your move organized, we recommend only using soft items from the same room as your fragile items. For example, if you are packing fragile dinner plates then you can pack your kitchen towels in the same box. This way, you don’t have to go hunting for soft items that you need in different boxes.

Items can then be wrapped in packing material individually. If you have hollow items like glassware or pottery, put some packing material inside the hollow compartment in order to cut down on vibrations and movement during transit.

Rule 3: Always Put the Heaviest Items at the Bottom

Once your box is properly cushioned with packing material and your items are all securely wrapped, it’s time to start filling the boxes. Your heaviest items should go into the box first. This helps to create a secure base and balance the box so that lighter fragile items do not get crushed.

Be careful not to overload your boxes. If a box is too heavy, it becomes a hazard for your other items and your movers. Before you declare a box packed, check to make sure that you can lift it. If the box is too overloaded to lift, repack the box with some lighter items inside.

Rule 4: Fill All Empty Space

Once all your items are comfortably packed inside your box and you have checked to make sure it is not overloaded, you should fill all the empty space inside the box with packing material. You can also use soft and light items from your home inventory like towels, hot pads, and linens. 

Filling the extra space in your box makes it less likely your items will shift around during transit. The safest items are the items packed snugly and handled with care, so before you seal your box make sure the empty space is filled with bubble wrap, packing paper, or packing peanuts.

Rule 5: Label Boxes as Fragile

Boxes that need extra care should be labeled as fragile. If you have extra money for packing supplies, try to get a brightly colored tape that you will put on fragile boxes. When you use this tape on your fragile boxes, you and your movers will be able to tell which boxes need extra care at a glance.

If you do not have a brightly colored tape, then write “FRAGILE” on the box in dark marker. If the box needs to be oriented a certain way to help protect your items then also draw arrows indicating which side should be up.

Special Tips by Item

But wait, what about your items that may require some special packing techniques? All My Sons Moving & Storage has got you covered. Many of the same principles apply, but there are a few extra steps for certain fragile belongings. 

Here are some tips for the most difficult items to pack:

  • Ceramic Figurines: Wrap the individual figurines in bubble wrap. If the figurines are long and thin, they might sit comfortably in a box designed for wineglasses and stemware. Simply put individual figurine packages between the cardboard dividers and fill any extra space with packing paper. You can also pack the figurines into small boxes and then pack all those small boxes together in a medium-sized box. Just make sure the contents are not shifting much when your box is on the move.

  • Plates and China: Pack plates and bowls into your boxes vertically, on their side. Plates packed horizontally are more likely to break because they must withstand more weight and pressure. Remember to pack so that the plates do not shift too much and keep from overloading your boxes.

  • Wineglasses and Stemware: A specialty box with cell dividers for your wineglasses would be ideal. Bundle your glasses in packing paper or bubble wrap and fit them snugly into your divided cells. In lieu of a box with dividers, always wrap the stems of the glasses first and then wrap the rest of the glass with bubble wrap or packing paper. Place these glasses upright toward the middle of your moving boxes. Heavier items should go below the glasses, and lighter items should go on top of the glasses. 

  • Artwork: Protect the face of your stretched canvas artwork by wrapping it in plastic wrap and then a layer of bubble wrap before packing into a small box or picture box. Loose canvas art should be rolled into tubes. 

  • Picture Frames: If your picture frames are covered by glass, use masking tape and put a large ‘X’ over the glass. This helps keep the glass pieces from scattering in the event that the glass breaks. If you pack multiple picture frames in a box, position them in the box vertically. In the event you have multiple large picture frames each in their own individual boxes, then position those boxes in your moving truck vertically and ensure they are not likely to fall or shift before you close your truck.

  • Mirrors: Just like the glass in the picture frames, tape an ‘X’ to the face of any large mirrors. If your mirror is too large to fit in a cardboard box, you can put cardboard on its corners to protect them and tape cardboard to the mirror face. Always pack a mirror into a truck on its side and never put anything on top of the mirror.

  • Electronics: Before packing computers or hard drives, make sure your personal or sensitive data is backed up and stored in a secure cloud or on another hard drive that you will keep with you. If you have the original packing material for your computer, television, or monitor then that is the best-case scenario for repacking your electronic item. If you do not have the original packing material, find a box that is just a little bigger than your electronic item. You can find specialty boxes designed for large TVs and monitors, just check your items measurements against the specialty box’s measurements before you attempt packing.  Remove any stands, arms, or other detachable pieces and wrap them in packing material.

Ready to Move Your Fragile Items

Now that you’re armed with the best tips and tricks for packing fragile items, you can set about packing up your household inventory with peace of mind. Don’t forget to pack and unpack your fragile items with slow, deliberate care so that your items can make it safely to their new space. 

Planning a move soon? Let All My Sons Moving & Storage help out with our comprehensive moving services. You could even let our team handle all the packing when you ask for our professional packing services. Get the white-glove treatment for all your fragile items, or if you choose to pack yourself then visit our one-stop-shop for packing supplies and get top-quality boxes, tape, and bubble wrap. Whether you’re moving houses, apartments, or your office, our company would be honored to handle all the heavy lifting so you can focus on settling into your new home. Call your local All My Sons Moving & Storage location (We have almost 90 across the United States!) or get started with an online quote. 

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