Your move day approaches, are you prepared? One of the most common mistakes that people make when they move is packing items they need too soon. You can avoid this pitfall by creating an essentials and emergencies bag that you will keep on your person during your move. Your bag should be designed to carry all the items you need until you’re able to unpack your essentials at your new home.
At All My Sons Moving & Storage, we know moving is stressful. We’ve been in the moving business for almost 30 years, helping companies and families make a seamless relocation. Our moving guides and resources are here to help empower our customers with the tips and tricks that will make their next move an organized move, which will cut down on stress and anxiety.
Before you have your movers load up your truck, pack a special bag that will contain all the items you need from point A to point B.
If you are moving with your family, you may choose to have each member of your household pack their own bag. This bag could be one backpack or two duffels depending on how much you need to come with you.
When you choose a bag, be sure to pick something light enough for you to transport on your own and large enough to accommodate everything you need to bring.
Pack lightly if possible and try to pack only the items you will need for the duration of your move. Items you will need immediately upon arrival can go in essentials boxes to be unloaded from the moving truck first.
If you are moving long-distance then you might need to pack for several days.
Now for the fun part, get your bag loaded up. You might choose to set aside these items while you pack the rest of your household inventory and then put these items in your bag on the morning of your move. Every move is different so there may be additional items you decide you want to pack in your bag. Read through the list carefully and notate anything that applies to your move.
These items are the things you will need to get through the duration of your move. Try to pack light but keep all the items you need to get through your daily routine or some downtime.
Medications: If you have daily pills, make sure they are in a labeled bottle or pill container and keep them in a small pocket in your bag.
Overnight Toiletries: If your move is long-distance you might want to keep additional toiletries but at the very least you should have your toothpaste and toothbrush.
Change of Clothes: Keep one change of clothes on hand, even if you are moving locally.
Wallet and Keys: These might typically be on your person anyway, but make sure they find their way into your bag if not.
Phone Charger: You don’t want your phone to die in the middle of your move. Make sure you have a regular charger and possibly a car charger.
Book or Tablet: Your move could come with some downtime while you wait for keys or movers. Keep one form of entertainment on you to curb boredom.
Of course you don’t want to expect something bad to happen on your move, but in the event of an emergency you will be glad you kept these items on hand.
Emergency Medications: If you have any medicine you might need in case of an emergency, pack it with your bag and not in a box in your truck.
First Aid Kit: These are good for treating minor injuries, be sure you also have a phone to call 911 in case of a serious accident.
Water Bottles: Moving is tiring, and if you’re moving at the height of summer then dehydration and heat exhaustion are a serious risk. Keep a few bottles of water on hand.
Snacks: Just in case you can’t stop for food when you have some hunger pangs.
Whether you will need them to finish up getting out of your old place or to complete your unpacking, these are the items related to your move that you should have in your bag.
Important Documents: Keep any rental contracts or government IDs in a folder in your bag.
Boxcutter: You do not want to get to your place and have all your items packed into boxes that you cannot open. Slip a boxcutter in your bag.
Tape Gun: Keep tape on hand for those last-minute box seals.
Cash: Useful if you’d like to tip your movers.
Cleaning Supplies: You might need to finish cleaning out your old place before you can leave it behind. Make sure your cleaning supplies are with you.
If you are moving with a pet and transporting your pet to your new place yourself then you should keep a bag specifically for your pet. These are the essentials you might like to have on hand for your furry companion.
Pet Carrier: Small animals should go in their carriers to stay safe during your drive.
Pet Medications: Does your cat need a daily ear ointment? Pack it in the pet essentials.
Extra Food: In case Fido gets hungry during the move.
Treats: If your pet is motivated by treats, you might like to have some on hand.
Leash: When you move long-distance, it’s important to take breaks so your pet can exercise outside your car. Take a leash to keep ahold of them at parks and rest stops.
Poop Bags: Your furry companion might need to go to the bathroom during their rest times, make sure you can clean up after them.
Moving with kids? If you have an infant or toddler, you might choose to carry your regular diaper bag with the rest of your essentials. If your child is older and capable of carrying their own bag, you could have your child pack their items themselves.
Diapers: Don’t be caught without extra diapers if your child isn’t toilet trained yet.
Baby Wipes: You’ll need something to wipe up messes if you’re traveling with little children.
Bottle: Babies and toddlers will need their bottles for feeding time.
Comfort Toys: Young children can take a favorite toy with them. Try to limit the number of toys to just one to pack light.
Extra Clothes: Depending on the distance of your move, you might want to pack extra clothes for your child. Even if you are moving locally, a change of clothes is useful in case your child makes a mess during the move.
Book or Tablet: Older children might also need something to entertain them if there is any downtime during the move. Have your child take a book to read or a tablet with games on it to keep them occupied if they need to sit and wait.
Now that your movers are knocking, we hope you’ve got your bag ready. If your bag is a backpack, you can keep it on your shoulders while you coordinate your move and slop it in the passenger seat while you drive to your new place. Moving with your family in tow? Make sure your children always have their bags and designate a keeper for Fido’s essentials.
With your bag on hand, you can finish out your move and arrive at your new place prepared. As your movers unload your essentials boxes, you’ll be able to whip out your boxcutter and unpack the things that will make your new place livable. Aren’t you glad you didn’t leave those items stuck in a box that made its way to the back of your moving truck?
Congratulations, you came to your move prepared. If you need something during your move, never fear! You have it with you in your bag.
Once all the boxes are unloaded, you’ll be able to stash your essentials and emergencies bag in the corner of your bedroom and get down to the business of unpacking.
When you’re ready to make your next move, we hope you’ll consider All My Sons Moving & Storage for all your moving needs. From professional packing to commercial moving services, All My Sons Moving & Storage has all the services you need to make a seamless relocation. Call your local All My Sons Moving & Storage office or get a quote online to get started on your stress-free move.
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