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Selling In Today's Market

It's not easy selling a property for a profit in today's real estate market. Many sellers are looking for creative ways to boost up the value of their homes. Although “staging” isn't a new concept, sellers are beginning to see how powerful it can be. Humans, by nature, are a sensory species according to Our emotions are directly influenced by what our senses tell us. So what can you do to enhance sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste in your home? All My Sons of Jacksonville, your local Jacksonville moving company, suggest the following: First let's talk about sight. This might sound obvious to many, but it's important to keep your house clean. The rooms should look comfortable and tidy. If the rooms are filled with pictures, trophies or maybe even your children's drawings all of these should be replaced by a nice and simple decor. A buyer needs to see themselves living in your house, so it's best to keep things simple. If your furniture is outdated, then for the open house rent some modern furniture. Smell. Not only do the rooms have to look clean but they also need to smell clean. Don't wash everything with bleach because that is a harsh odor. If you want to have a nice smelling home, then consider buying some nice scented candles. Not only do they set a calming mood, but they will make the air in your house smell great. Now let's touch on touch. Broken, missing tiles, loose handles and wobbly handrails all make for a bad touching experience. If you have any of these issues, it's best to try and get them repaired before showing your house to potential buyers. People aren't going to be impressed if the door handle stays in their hands. Get to work and fix those little problems. For the hearing part. An open house doesn't have to be a boring event. You can always make this more pleasant by playing some calming music in the background. Or, if you're so inclined, you can even hire a musical performance from a small local band. People will remember your open house if you do. Leaving the television on is not an entertaining sound, so avoid it. So we're left with taste. This is an easy one. For your open house, make sure to have some finger foods (that aren't going to crumble) for all of your guests. The smell of fresh baked cupcakes or cookies will always leave a great impression to those that are looking to buy your home. If you're planning on selling your house in the Jacksonville area, make sure to take these “staging” suggestions to heart. When you do sell your property, don't forget to call the Jacksonville movers to help your move. Our local Jacksonville moving company is licensed and insured and backed by four generations of moving experience. Let our family move yours and call us today for the very best in moving.