All My Sons Moving & Storage
Let's Talk About YOUR MOVE...
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Pre-moving Tips

We know there is a lot to think about when you are moving. We know sometimes there is also a new landlord, maybe a new mortgage, having to change your address, scheduling the cable guy…the list of important things to do seems endless! We have decided to devote a blog full of gentle reminders to help you make the most of your move day!

On Your Move Day

  • Re-check moving list

  • Re-check your packing, labeling, and box count

  • Carry currency, jewelry, and documents yourself – you can also use registered mail

  • Plan for transporting pets: they are poor traveling companions if they’re unhappy

  • Carry traveler’s checks for quick available funds for emergencies

  • Supervise movers - make sure they have your contact numbers and proper instructions. A color coded rough drawing of the floor plan in your new house is also helpful. This can tell the movers which rooms to place boxes, where furniture is to be located in each room.

  • Have a sharpie marker and baggies in hand, so when your furniture is disassembled, you can label the baggie and place the hardware inside. Place the labeled baggies in your car or in a box that both you and the driver have clearly labled. This will expediate the re-assembly of your furniture.

  • Double check old closets, drawers, shelves, and the attic to ensure they are empty

  • Check to make sure nothing is left behind

  • Let a close friend or relative know route and schedule you will travel, including overnight stops; use him/her as a message headquarters

  • Leave all old keys needed by new tenant/owner with your realtor

Don’t Forget To

  • Plan special care needs for infants, children, pets, and potted plants

  • Empty freezers – plan the use of your foods

  • Defrost freezer/refrigerator - place charcoal to dispel odors

  • Have appliances serviced for moving

  • Remember arrangements for TVs, antennas, and cable/satellite services

  • Clean rugs or clothing before moving: have rugs wrapped before moving

  • Remove curtain rods, drapery rods, and towel racks

  • Check with your moving counselor for the following: insurance coverage, packing and unpacking labor, arrival day, various shipping papers, method and time of expected and payment

Send Change of Address to:

  • Post Office: give forwarding address

  • Charge accounts and credit cards

  • Subscriptions: notice requires several weeks notice

  • Friends and relatives

  • Transfer bank funds: arrange check cashing in new city

  • New Location Insurance Coverage: Life, Health, Fire, Auto, House, or Rental insurance

  • Automobile: transfer car title registration, driver’s license, city windshield sticker, and motor club membership

  • Utility companies: gas, water, telephone, electricity, cable/ satellite, and internet.

  • Arrange for refunds of any deposits and service in new town

  • Home delivery: laundry, newspaper, change over services

  • School records: ask for copies or transfer children’s school records, make sure to have a copy of their birth certificates, and medical records - take this with you

  • Health: medical, dental, prescription histories. Ask doctor and dentist for referrals

  • Transfer needed prescriptions, X-rays, etc.

  • Church clubs, civic organizations, transfer memberships and get letters of introduction

  • Pets: ask about regulations of pet licenses, vaccinations, tags, etc.

2 Days Ahead

  • Packing Readiness-

    • Movers come to pack - huge load off your back, and you can really relax

    • If you are packing yourself- the more organized and prepared, the smoother your move.

    • Complete your packing, labeling, and box count

  • Pack luggage with several days’ worth of clothing

  • Prepare a survival kit for the first day you arrive. Items needed might be an emergency medical kit, towels, bedding, soap, toilet paper, cereal, milk, coffee pot, filters, coffee, cooking utensils, light bulbs, hammer, screwdriver, etc.

3 Days Ahead

  • Attend closing, keeping all documents in a special place to be transported

  • Complete your packing, labeling, and box count

4 Days Ahead

  • Go over your list and complete miscellaneous items

  • Arrange for servicing of your appliances

  • Pay any last minute bills

  • Pick up tickets, and/or traveler’s checks (if needed or not already obtained).

  • Make any last minute arrangements for closing

  • Continue packing

5 Days Ahead

  • Continue packing remainder of the house

  • Number your boxes and breakdown your count by room (i.e. kitchen 10, living room 5, master bedroom 10, etc.)

7 Days Ahead

  • Start with closets, packing clothes. Mark boxes and color-code them as to what room in which they belong

  • Give away plants not being moved (when crossing state lines live plants are not allowed)

3 Weeks Ahead

  • Obtain and prepare change of address notices from the post office for friends, church, clubs, organizations, and anyone else not already contacted on the list compiled three weeks earlier.

  • Contact utility companies and other services such as: cable/satellite, trash collection, and newspaper about discontinuing service or change of address. Companies servicing the new locale will need to be notified. Be sure to keep phone and utilizes connected at your current home through moving day.

  • Contact insurance companies to arrange types of coverage you will need: Homeowner’s, auto, etc.

  • Collect important papers to take with you: wills, deeds, stocks/bonds, etc.

  • Contact your present bank about closing your account and/or safety deposit box, then obtaining a new one in the new location

  • Contact us and confirm all the arrangements and method of payments

6 Weeks Ahead

  • Collect and/or buy boxes for packing, newsprint, tape, black markers, colored dots (this will help you color code your boxes, i.e. blue is for the kitchen, red for the master bedroom, yellow for the garage, etc.) this way your movers will know to follow your color coded system and place all boxes in the properly labeled rooms/areas. At the time of arrival to your new home, color code the rooms by labeling the wall and/doors with a small removable color coded dot.

  • You can buy all of your packing materials from us- we deliver too

  • Make a list of everyone you need to notify: Friends, relatives, banks, utilities, doctors, insurance companies, business contacts, newspapers, subscriptions, etc.

  • Contact doctors, dentist, and lawyers for copies of records or documents you will need to take with you

  • Make travel arrangements (home closings are often delayed, and there may be other matters that need attention)

  • Make travel arrangements for any pets

8-12 Weeks Ahead

  • Purchase a notebook, with front and back pockets, to record and file any correspondence and/or documents that pertain to your moving

  • Set-up appoints with two moving companies to give you estimates and information

  • Consider items that you will not be taking with you and organize a garage sale (including items from the basement or attic)

  • Items that don’t sell can be given to charity. Be sure to get a receipt, your donation can be tax deductible