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Places You May Be Forgetting to Clean in Your New Home

The first thing that new homeowners do upon moving in is clean. Moving to a new house means lots of cleaning, either by yourself or with the help of a professional cleaning service. It is easy to clean the obvious parts of your new home, but what about the not so obvious places? Our Las Vegas movers suggest a few other places you may be forgetting to clean.

Common Places People Forget to Clean

Cleaning a new home can be really time consuming and having to clean after a move is not always a welcome chore. Our Las Vegas residential movers understand that completing a move takes a lot of energy and that the last thing you want to do is clean, so we have made a list of places you may be forgetting to clean, that way you can make sure you get the job done right the first time.

The Underside of Your Furniture The underside of your furniture is one of the places you may be forgetting to clean when you move into your new home. Being that we do not usually go under our furniture unless something falls on the floor, we do not usually think to clean under it. Take a minute to vacuum and dust the underside of your furniture to remove spiderwebs and other debris that may be under your furniture.

The Walls and Baseboards The walls of our homes take a lot of abuse. They are leaned on, brushed against, and sometimes scratched. Most people without small children do not take the time to survey the cleanliness of their walls or baseboards. When cleaning your new home, start at the top of the wall with a duster and then work your way down to the baseboards.

The Top of Cabinets and Door Frames Another place you may be forgetting to clean in your new home are the tops of the cabinets and door frames. When cleaning, most people have the tendency to look out and down, but often forget to look up! You can use a microfiber cloth to clean these areas and while you are up there, do not forget to clean your lights!

The Air Vents The air vent is also one of the places you may be forgetting to clean when you move. To make sure you and your family are breathing the cleanest air possible, be sure you remember to clean your air vents and air filters often to prevent breathing in dusty or contaminated air. Cleaning your air vents and filters often will also ensure that your A/C is running at its full efficiency.

Before you look for places you may be forgetting to clean in your new Las Vegas home, contact All My Sons Moving & Storage and let our Las Vegas local movers help get you settled!