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Five Things You Should Probably Get Rid of Before You Move

Moving to a new home is a great chance to get a fresh start. For this reason, you probably want to get rid of as much clutter as you can before the Raleigh movers show up at your door. However, if you're having a hard time knowing what to get rid of and knowing what to keep, there are a few things you should add to your “donate” or “throw away” list.

1. Clothes You Never Wear

Clothes are bulky and can take up valuable space in your moving boxes as well as in your closet. A few weeks before the Raleigh movers are scheduled to arrive, go through your closet and take inventory of what you actually wear, and what you don't. A good rule of thumb to go by is to get rid of anything that you haven't worn in over a year. Once you've determined what clothes you want to keep, donate the rest.

2. CD and DVD Cases

If you're like most people, you likely keep all of your DVD and CD cases. Although this can help you stay organized, these cases can take up a lot of room. To save yourself some space, put all of your DVDs and CDs in compact organization folders and throw their original cases away. Chances are, you won't miss them when they're gone.

3. Unused Kitchen Appliances

Over time, you've probably collected tons of kitchen appliances. Although you may use a lot of them, there are probably some that sit up on the top shelf of your cupboards gathering dust. As you're getting ready to move, go through and determine which kitchen appliances you use on a daily or weekly basis, and which ones you hardly even look at. Then, consider donating the ones you don't use.

4. Old Books

There's nothing like having a bookcase filled to the brim with old books. However, if you never read the books in this bookcase, they aren't doing you much good. Before you move, you may want to go through all of your old books and determine which ones you will read again and which ones should go to the donation center. Although its more than alright to keep a few of your favorites, old textbooks and ones that you never read will only add to the weight of the moving truck.

5. Extra Cosmetic Products

If you're a woman, you probably have a cupboard full of cosmetic products that you've tried once or received for birthdays and never used. Although it may be comforting to know that you have them on hand, get rid of any extra cosmetic products that you don't use. For example, if you have 19 bottles of bubble bath that you're saving for a rainy day, consider keeping one for when you take that relaxing bath and get rid of the rest.

Remember, few things in this world are better than getting rid of clutter and only keeping the things that you actually need and use. Although it may be difficult and time-consuming to get rid of some of your possessions, it will be well worth your efforts as you get ready to move.