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San Antonio Residents in Least Stressed List

According to, in an analysis of the nation's 50 largest metropolitan areas, Detroit is the most stressful place to live and work, while Salt Lake City is the least stressful. According June's Gallop poll, 40% of workers in America experience stress every day. The San Antonio local movers found out that number grows to 50% among the unemployed population. 48% of Americans believe their stress has increased in the last 10 years. According to the article on, factors such as crime, unemployment, personal finances, even pollution and traffic are to blame for stress. Detroit has a huge unemployment rate, 14.3%, the third worst figure among the 50 largest markets. It's also among the top 10 places with the most murders, robberies, heart attacks, deaths, poverty, income growth and even less sun. That's all very stressful. The way the study was done to determine America's most and least stressful cities include many factors like unemployment rate, health, weather, crime, traffic, average commute and finances. The study covered population estimates from 2009 by the US Census Bureau. The markets included places like New York City which has 19.07 million residents to buffalo with 1.12 million people. Las Vegas was worst for unemployment with 14.5%. Income drop was the worst in Las Vegas obviously, but also in Charlotte and San Jose. Meanwhile Virginia Beach, Baltimore and Pittsburg had income growth. Memphis has the worst poverty problem among the study group, with 13.9% of families officially ‘poor'. New Orleans has the highest number of deaths caused by heart failure, hypertension and stroke. The lowest rates of death were in Austin, Raleigh and Salt Lake City. Commuting was worst in New York City with a typical commute taking 34.55 minutes. Washington and Chicago have serious congestion. The local San Antonio moving specialists learnt that Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Jose have the worst affordability ration when comparing home value with median household income. All My Sons of San Antonio is proud to say San Antonio residents enjoyed the most affordable housing, along with Pittsburg and Buffalo. San Antonio in fact ranked number 8 among the top 10 list of least stressful metropolitan areas. So if you want to move to San Antonio, all you have to do is call the All My Sons of San Antonio moving crew to do the job for you in no time. Our licensed moving company employs only the best of movers with tons of moving experience and professionalism. You have nothing to worry about on your moving day to San Antonio!