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Asking Friends for Moving Help

Moving takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. It is possible to move yourself, by yourself if you really need to but it always helps to have an extra set of hands. Our Salt Lake City movers know that when it comes to moving, you need all hands-on deck! Need to ask your friends to help you with a move but aren't sure how? All My Sons Moving & Storage can help with advice on asking friends for moving help.

Do's and Don'ts of Asking Friends to Help with Moving

Just like anything else, there is a right and wrong way to go about asking your friends for moving help. Being that moving is hard work that no one ever really wants to do, how you ask your friends for moving help will certainly make the difference in whether they say no or yes to helping. Our Salt Lake City residential movers have made a list of the do's and don'ts of asking friends to help with moving.

Do Remember that Moving is a Big EventWhen you approach your friends and ask them for help with moving, remember that you are asking for a big favor. Moving and packing are at the bottom of everyone's list of favorite activities, so be sure to acknowledge that you understand the downsides of moving. There is no need to beg your friends for help with a sob story, simply ask with a smile and let your friends know how much you appreciate their help.

Do Make Sure to Give Your Friends Enough NoticeRemember that your friends have their own plans and their own lives that they are living. Asking friends for moving help last minute is a faux pas. If you want to secure a “yes” to helping you move, then make sure you ask for help at least a week in advance.

Do Try to Move on a WeekendIf you can schedule your move for a weekend, great! If you cannot, asking friends for moving help over the weekend is another way to secure help. Since your friends are more likely to have less work obligations and more time over the weekend, asking for help with packing or moving over the weekend is a safer choice than asking over the week.

Do Make Sure to Be Gracious When asking friends for moving help, make sure to be accommodating to them. Afterall, they are doing you a favor! Be sure to have refreshments for them to enjoy when taking a break, make sure to say thank you for them taking the time out to help with your move and be sure to be willing to return the favor when needed. Even if it is not helping them move. You should also be willing to not micromanage your friends when they are helping you pack and move. All you need to do is get the move complete, it does not always need to be perfect.

Don't Be Upset if Someone Can't HelpWhen asking friends for moving help, you should expect that there are going to be some “no's”. If this happens, do not take it personally or hold any grudges toward your friends. Simply thank them for the consideration and make other arrangements.

Don't Ask Too Much of Your Friends Be sure that when asking friends for moving help that you're not taking advantage of or inconveniencing anyone. It is best to avoid asking friends who have kids or who have busy work schedules for help with moving and to try asking those who have a more open schedule for help. Though a good friend will move things around in their schedule, do not expect or ask this of your friends.

Don't Dance Around How Much Help You NeedBeing upfront and honest with your friends about how much help you need when moving is vital. Since your friends are more than likely going to be making room in their schedule for you, its courteous to be honest about how much of their time you will need.

Don't Ask Your Friends to Do Things You Need Professionals ForIf you need professional help with moving, there is not much you can do, other than hiring professional movers. Items that would include needing professional help with moving and packing are things like family heirlooms, valuable paintings, or pieces of furniture that are very heavy.

If you need professional movers when preparing to move to Salt Lake City, contact All My Sons Moving & Storage. Our Salt Lake City local movers will move your belongings as if they were our own.